Arab spring causes and consequences pdf

This study aims to discuss the issues of migration from the arab spring countries to the european countries in terms of its causes and consequences. Another economic cause of the arab spring is the fact that most of wealth was controlled by a small elite. It is known that due of the economic distress, and lack of employment, many turned to blame the governments in their countries. Nov 22, 2014 the geostrategic consequences of the arab spring. In the past, middle eastern countries experimented significant political changes but no systemic transition towards democracy albrecht and schlumberger, 2004. But the essays collected in this slim volume make a compelling case that the consequences of climate change are stressors that can ignite a volatile mix of underlying causes. Ever since the 1950s the arab world has been dominated by strongmen e. Like germany, england and france in the second world war, most of syria is destroyed. Understanding the causes and consequences of the arab spring. The possible outcome of the arab spring scenarios for the future i. The study concluded that migration from the arab spring countries refers to what can be called as the.

We will begin our analysis by examining the impact of the arab spring on the economic indicators mentioned above. Demonstrators expressing political and economic grievances faced violent crackdowns by their countries security forces. The demands made by protestors were wide ranging, and also evolved as protest movements developed. This spark threatens to set the whole of the middle. Arab spring as a background of civil war in syria in. The situation in the arab world has implications for turkey and the united states. This information will give us a rough estimate of the future picture of tunisias economy. Expert analysis november 2015 the current situation in yemen. Issue brief aftermath of the arab spring in north africa exports, and 98 percent of government revenues. This resulted in a rather stunted and closed atmosphere.

The regional revolution saw regime change in tunisia, egypt, and yemen, and civil wars in libya and, at the time of writing this, ongoing in syria. Along with the decrease in production, the demographic boom was. In tunisia, protests which began primary over economic frustration, injustice and. Many experts compare the arab spring to the popular revolutions that shook communist states in the late 1980s and early 1990s of the 20th century. The arab spring and climate change center for american. The arab spring has fundamentally altered the middle east and north africa mena. The causes and effects of the arab springs by matthew. Policy research notes represent the views of the authors and do not necessarily represent wbg views or policy. Analysis of the arab spring 3 blunders in state response, in particular using a heavyhanded approach and trying to crush opposition, had the reverse effect of galvanising more people to join the protests icg, 2011b and 2011d. The event set off uprisings across north africa and the. The name arab spring is a reference to the revolutions of 1848also known as the peoples springwhen political upheavals swept. As economic distress is show to be one of the major causes of the arab spring, political dissatisfaction may be the biggest of them all to cause these disturbances. George orwell in his animal farm through allusions had prophesised this very predicament across nations where the poor, overworked and repressed.

The political causes of the arab spring the arab spring can be analysed in many ways. While the uprising in tunisia led to some improvements in the country from a humanrights perspective, not all of the nations that witnessed such social and political. The ultimate causes of the 2015 crisis in yemen can be. Arab spring provoked, particularly the role of the media new and otherwise in empowering and even causing the uprisings. The arab spring and climate change center for american progress. The arab spring and its unintended effects in syria. It began in response to oppressive regimes and a low standard of living, starting with protests in tunisia noueihed, 2011.

After more than five decades of independence from european colonialism, autocratic rulers have failed to meet the legitimate aspirations of the arab people. In the aftermath of the iraq war, it was used by various commentators and bloggers who anticipated a major arab movement towards democratization. Causes, consequences, and perspectives foreword this paper is an extended summary of a panel discussion with rami khouri on the topic of the arab uprisings auses, onsequences, and perspectives. Arab spring, wave of prodemocracy protests and uprisings that took place in the middle east and north africa beginning in 2010, challenging some of the regions entrenched authoritarian regimes. We al jazeera tv follow a group of libyan exiles as they sacrifice everything to return home for the final assault on tripoli. For he who is not embraced by a passion for life will dissipate into thin air, at. Causes, consequences, and implications if, one day, a people desire to live, then fate will answer their call. Along with the decrease in production, the demographic boom was also responsible for increasing unemployment. Rebellions have brought down regimes, but other consequences have. The arab spring and its effects on the region, the united. The causes of the arab spring, or as some call it, arab awakening, were many and longgathering. By early 2011 they had spread into what became known as the arab springa wave of protests, uprisings, and unrest that spread across arabicspeaking countries in north africa and the middle east. Its origins, evolution and consequences four years on article pdf available june 2015 with 23,032 reads how we measure reads.

Rami george khouri is a palestinianjordanian and us citizen whose family resides in beirut, amman, and nazareth. The armed forces played a decisive role in many of the arab uprisings, particularly the early ones. Causes and consequences this article pursues two main objectives. The arab spring and its subsequent impact on a global scale that sparked widespread protests against governments and policies, is a watershed in the evolution of sociopolitical movements. The economics of the arab spring and its aftermath 5. Jul 27, 2011 as economic distress is show to be one of the major causes of the arab spring, political dissatisfaction may be the biggest of them all to cause these disturbances. Friedman suggested that the united states is caught in a dilemmato intervene or not intervene on one hand, the more the u. For decades, arab populations had faced repression of free speech, human rights abuses, economic mismanagement, corruption and stifling of political dissent. Read about the top ten developments that both triggered the revolt and helped it confront the might of the police state. Jul 17, 2017 the arab spring may have awakened the entire middle east with a taste of democracy in a few countries, but syria has seen the adverse effects of it.

In addition, a team of experts of the international monetary fund posted estimates of a set of economic indicators for 20112016. In 2011 a wave of prodemocracy protests known as the arab spring spread across the arab world. We are witnessing today the emergence of new challenges and fracture lines. Justice and human dignity were not priorities in most states. Included are the results of a bibliometric study that compared the frequency in which various descriptors appeared in major englishlanguage news sources. What was meant to be an uprising for change turned into a bloody, brutal and endless civil war. It states that the arab spring has overthrown four leaders and placed longestablished monarchies under renewed political and economic stress. When it comes to politics, clear political factors emerge as important reasons for the uprising in the muslim world. This thesis explores several dimensions of domestic and international politics related to the arab spring.

Unrest and uncertainty the big picture, the boston globes photoblog. Rebellions have brought down regimes, but other outcomes have been. Migration from the arab spring countries refers to what can be called the factors of. Yemen became one of the first countries to experience the protests. Three years on from the start of the upheaval which became known as the arab spring, the middle east is still in a state of flux. The causes and effects of the arab springs by 12ael no single cause was behind the arab spring. It is known that due of the economic distress, and lack of employment, many. Impact of the arab uprisings the arab spring reached yemen in february 2011. Worse, around 60 percent of the arab world is under the age of 30. Ahmedinejad is given certain plaudits for long being a critic of u. The arab spring left tunisia in a deplorable economic situation.

The article traces the roots of the arab spring which convulsed the middle east in 2010. At the eve of the arab spring, one out of four egyptians and tunisians young was out of employment. Tunisia and morocco are different in that they are more diversified and depend on agriculture, tourism, manufacturing, and mining. Dec, 20 three years on from the start of the upheaval which became known as the arab spring, the middle east is still in a state of flux. Jun 15, 2016 the causes and the consequences of the arab srping explained in this documentary. Arab spring libya 360 libya after moammar gaddafi the washington post. Primoz manfreda is a researcher and political risk analyst who covers political and economic trends in the middle east. The consequences of climate change helped ignite a volatile mix of underlying causes that erupted into the revolutions that have shaken the arab world over the past two years. A year of revolution a year ago, a tunisian fruitseller set himself on fire after being humiliated by a police officer. These demonstrations and protest efforts have all been critical of the government in their respective. A young man sets fire to himself on the streets of tunisia.

Protests that spread across the region in early 2011 started a longterm process of political and social transformation, marked in the initial stages primarily by political turbulence, economic difficulties, and even conflict. The term arab spring is an allusion to the revolutions of 1848, which are sometimes referred to as the springtime of nations, and the prague spring in 1968. Pdf on the economic causes of the arab spring and its. The geostrategic consequences of the arab spring opendemocracy. And their night will then begin to fade, and their chains break and fall. In general, the arab world has the highest level of unemployment in the world, and youth unemployment rates are astronomical. Effects and consequences of the arab spring the hollings. Migration from the arab spring countries to europe. The arab spring may have awakened the entire middle east with a taste of democracy in a few countries, but syria has seen the adverse effects of it. These include political freedom, economic prosperity, and human dignity. The reasons and economic and political consequences of arab spring 43 egypt, where arab spring lasted longer, is one of the largest countries in africa with its advantages such as its location, tourism revenues and logistics moaddel, 2012. Mar 29, 2019 by early 2011 they had spread into what became known as the arab springa wave of protests, uprisings, and unrest that spread across arabicspeaking countries in north africa and the middle east. The arab springs impact on the middle east has been profound, even if in many places its final outcome might not become clear for at least a generation. The arab revolutions of 2011 have had deep local and global consequences.

The reasons and economic and political consequences of. This paper attempts to examine the causes of the arab uprisings in middle eastern. The impact of the arab spring concerns protests or by the way attempts to organize growing protest movements that were inspired by or similar to the arab spring in the arab majority states of north africa and the middle east, according to commentators, organisers, and critics. Its uprising also became one of the most consequential. Financial pressures top every list of catalysts and causes of the arab spring, espeeially when cormption at the hands of the mling and social elite is added. Unlike 911, the arab spring is attributable to deep and widespread sociological causes e. The economic consequences of the arab spring by mohsin khan atlantic council rafik hariri center for the middle east the popular uprisings that swept the middle east in early 2011 dramatically altered the political landscape of the region with the overthrow of autocratic regimes in egypt, libya, tunisia, and yemen. Many experts compare the arab spring to the popular revolutions that shook. The economic reasons behind the arab spring an ilo. Pdf migration from arab spring countries to europe. On the economic causes of the arab spring and its possible developments article pdf available january 2015 with 1,676 reads how we measure reads. The economic motivations of the arab spring, international journal of development and conflict, vol. Egyptian military is not only in charge of the defence of the country but also. Arab regimes had been sitting on a demographic time.

City club of cleveland event held at the breen center at st. Its causes and consequences 3 arab countries barany, 2011. The causes and consequences of arab spring migration to eur ope. The impact of the arab spring concerns protests or by the way attempts to organize growing protest movements that were inspired by or similar to the arab spring in the arabmajority states of north africa and the middle east, according to commentators, organisers, and critics. The arab spring and climate change does not argue that climate change caused the revolutions that have shaken the arab world over the past two years. The blame spiraled into riots against political leaders. The causes and effects of the arab springs by matthew clarke. The causes and the consequences of the arab srping explained in this documentary. The gaddafi archives libya before the arab spring view gallery an exhibition of photographs, documents and artefacts from the human rights watch archive paints a portrait of libya in the four decades prior to the arab spring. Pdf the middle east and north africa mena have long been laden with tensions and instabilities. It is still too early to say what the final consequences of the arab spring will be, and if the revolts will. The endgame is a series of films exploring the fall of the gaddafi regime from the perspective of those who helped to bring it down al jazeera tv the long road to tripoli.

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